When our routine is gone.

It has been a disruptive couple of years.

It has been an intense couple of months due to the floods in the Northern Rivers and the new disruptions to everyone’s lives with Covid19 still around.

Chatting to clients in our Lennox Head Pilates studio the main thing we are all craving is some normality and routine back in our lives, so we are not in a constant state of fight or flight mode.

With this is mind I sought out some remedies in how to get our routine back and re introduce some positive habits

Schedule your habits into your life

“Give your habits a specific space in your life”

Put it on your Calendar. I know that may sound too simple. But, it works because this gives yourself a time and place to follow through. For example, if you want to get back to a fitness routine, book your class in or schedule a walk in with a friend so you are accountable.

Getting specific makes it real and gives you a reason and a reminder to get back on track.

Remember your “why.”

If you don’t have a purpose behind whatever it is that you’re doing, you’re going to be less motivated to stick with it. Trust me. It’s as simple as that.

Take a reset day (taken from bret & Kay Mc Kays)

It’s never easy to commence a new habit or jump back into one. But, to ensure that you don’t go too far off track, Try a reset day.

“A reset day is a weekday that you take off from work, dedicated to getting your life in order,” writes the McKays.

Couldn’t you do this during the weekend? Sure. But, it may be tricker between chores and spending time with your family. “A weekday reset day,” however, “gives you eight dedicated, distraction-free hours, by yourself, to set your physical and metaphorical house in order

So, how should you spend your reset day? Well, here’s what Bret and Kate recommend spending an hour on things like:

  • Cleaning your home.

  • Doing a brain dump.

  • Tackling as many of your to-dos as you can.

  • Reviewing high-level goals.

  • Creating or re-establishing a routine.

  • Making a plan to not get off track again.

  • Tieing up any loose ends.

I hope some of this helps, always start small and make it one step at a time. It has been an awful lot for everyone to process so getting back into routine and good habits may take beat or two.



